My friend and Aussie blogger on Overcoming with God blog, Noela Nancarrow, made the above picture for me as a sweet surprise for my Cover Reveal party (today from 4-7 Eastern Daylight Time) on Facebook (click here to go.)
She also did an adorable lilac-wreathed picture, which makes me feel like I should be able to just inhale the scent of lilacs, looking at it!
Those special friends, who celebrate with you, make celebrations fun!
Cynthia Hickey, designed all three covers for the Christmas Traditions Eight-in-One, O' Christmas Town series, and Lilacs for Juliana. She will be at the party 5:00 pm Eastern time to talk about her many releases. She a very talented author.
Angela Breidenbach, a very active author, will also be celebrating the release of the last Christmas Traditions novella, Eleven Pipers Piping, which will also be included in the compilation.
My cover model, Amber Goos, daughter of reader/reviewer Regina Fujitani, will also be at the party, and will talk a little about what it was like doing the photo shoots.
And I'll be at the party, too, just waiting to show you those new covers! Come join us! I pray that you are as blessed by your friends as I am!