Press Kit

Covers & Links to Purchase:

Cover coming soon: The Captive Brides collection (Barbour, November, 2017) with Carrie's novella, "Love's Escape."

My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island: Maude's Mooring
Available for pre-order now!!! Will be available for purchase from Barnes & Noble, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and at select Walmart and bookstores.
"Dime Novel Suitor" in Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Husbands
Available for pre-order on Barnes & Noble, CBD, and Amazon.
Tea Shop Folly, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository.
Saving the Marquise's Granddaughter by Carrie Fancett Pagels
White Rose/Pelican (June, 2016) Available on Barnes & Noble, CBD, Amazon, and other online book sellers.
Return to Shirley Plantation
Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance (under new cover, 2016) Barnes and NobleAmazon
The Steeplechase
The Substitute Bride

The Substitute Bride on Amazon in Kindle and paperback, and at Barnes & Noble.

The Lumberjacks' Ball
Lilacs for Juliana
The Lumberjacks' Ball (2015) on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.
Lilacs for Juliana on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.
The New Cover for The Fruitcake Challenge as Book One in The Christy Lumber Camp Series

The Fruitcake Challenge, Book Three in The Christmas Traditions Series
The Fruitcake Challenge (2014) on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble in ebook and paperback formats.
Carrie's Story "Snowed In" is in Book One of the A Cup of Christmas Cheer Collection (2013)
Carrie's testimony is one included in this Selah finalist nonfiction book by Cynthia Howerter and LaTan Murphy.
God’s Provision in Tough Times, Lighthouse of the Carolinas (2013)

 God's Provision in Tough Times on Amazon for Kindle and also available in paperback.
Head Shot:
Author Carrie Fancett Pagels

Contact info

Note: See Bio page for Carrie's biography.